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New Learning Methodology
Decentralized Education
Digital Universities
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Decentralized Education @ Virtual University

We are establishing virtual university concept in accordance with Decentralized Education System where individual university have digital presence over blockchain or metaverse with initial contracts approved by majority for running their specific learning system. As these new learning system or methodology build on conscent of public for offereing certain credentials and courses, nothing can be tampered afterward and integrity of education system would be maintained.

New contracts would be added every new session of university according to the new requirements of industry leading studies so there would not be any central authority to authorize or delay the process of onboarding new industry relavent curriculum.

Each individual can choose their university according to their favourable learning methodology and curate their own list of appropriate courses for completing Undergraduate Programs.

Decentralization shines in that it truly gives power back to the consumer. There are no standard governing bodies that decides how and what content should be taught or learned. Information is not meant to be simply regurgitated back at instructors, but actually mastered. Mastery requires making personal connections to information – which only happens when students are free to learn as they choose. Content can be curated and maintained by experts in the field, which can include the students that once used it to progress their skills. Students can focus on what they want to learn – such as Java, or algorithms – without getting interrupted into other fields.

Learning from up-to-date material with help from experts in the field is great, but doesn’t quite add up to a degree. This is where certification programs come in to play. Certifications cut right to the chase and propel you in the direction you’re pursuing. If you want to get certified in a programming language, prove your competency to an expert in the field and get a credential. Many companies providing decentralized educational opportunities can provide some certification for employment purposes.

Every university are being established on blockchain to overcome autonomy of different countries education system. Your credentials, scores, certificates and achievements would be recorded on blockchain that would be immutable until and unless majority would approve any changes. Digital identities associated would eliminate the dulicacy of records or falsly aquiring the credentials.

Right now, we are coming up with Undergraduate Programs from respective universities where individual can choose their topics according to their area of interest. Students have to submit a plan for their courses from various their preferred sources. Each university would provide credits according to online hours learning individual do. As individual university has its flavour of learning outcome i.e. Art, Science or Engineering, individuals has to come up with their selected courses which should be more aligned with university flavour.

We encourage students to learn what they like to learn to gain more expert knowledge on their topic of study and be flexible for considering multiple online platforms for making their own curriculum for study completion.

Decentralization inspires innovation and curiosity by allowing individuals to learn their way directly from the professionals they aspire to be.

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